The 2024 edition of the Swedish Academy Tournament, Battle of Bifrost, was held in Stockholm on Saturday, May 25th 2024.
Tournament announcements
Name of the hosting entity: LudoSport Sweden
Type of event: Rated Academy Tournament
Bracket of the event: B
Name of the Event Manager: Henrik Ekman
Name of the Head Official: Eleanor Akselrad
Location of the event: Konradbergshallen, Konradsbergsgatan 2B, 112 59 Stockholm, Sweden
Time of the event: Saturday, May 25th 2024.
Criteria for qualification: Athletes from LudoSport Sweden Academy, with active accounts in LudoSport+ for season 2023–2024
Formula of the tournament: Alpha - Positioning
32 participants at most
tournament schedule and pools
​11:00 Doors open - register, get your weapons checked, change clothes
12:00 Access to the hall. Possible to warm up
12:30 Start of pools ​
Prize ceremony
~ 18:00 Tournament finished. Free duels + time to change and shower.
19:00 Time to leave the hall and head for Porkside.
19:30 Porkside at Gnarlys Fridhemsplan​
Sign up to compete
Athletes are required to sign up in order to compete in the tournament
This tournament has already occured, sign up is no longer possible.
The Athlete’s fee for Battle of Bifrost is 350 SEK.
Last day to sign up is May 19th. The fee must be paid no later than May 20th 2024 .
In order to participate, the athlete must have an active LudoSport+ account for the 2023–2024 season.
For more information or support, please contact
Sign up as staff
Anyone can sign up to help as staff on the Battle of Bifrost. There are a few major roles that we need to cover in order to be able to hold a tournament. Then there are other roles that are nice to have. If you want to show up and help out, we will be forever grateful! No previous experience is needed. You don't even need to be a part of LudoSport!
livestream and results
The tournament will be live streamed on the LudoSport Sweden YouTube channel
Here you will find a link to see the scores live:
other useful information
how to get to the venue
The closest subway station is Thorildsplan. From there, it is about 5-10 minutes walk to Konradsbergshallen.
It is also possbile to take bus 1 to Västerbroplan, or bus 61 to Marieberg. The bus stops are less than 5 minutes walk from Konradsbergshallen.
The tournament will be held in the main hall (Stora hallen) at the very bottom of the building.
We will be at Gnarly Burger Fridhemsplan. It is about 15 minutes walk from Konradsbergshallen. We will need to pre-order our food.
It is no longer possible to sign up for the Porkside