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Name of the hosting entity: LudoSport Sweden, Gothenburg School
Type of event: Rated National Tournament
Bracket of the event: A
Date: 16th of June 2024
Location of the event: Gothenburg, Sweden
Name of the hosting entity: LudoSport Sweden, LudoSport International
Type of event: Rated International Tournament
Bracket of the event: A+
Name of the Event Manager: Carl Källen
Name of the Head Official: Andrea Ungaro
Location of the event: Stockholm, Sweden

Name of the hosting entity: LudoSport Sweden, Stockholm School
Type of event: Rated National Tournament
Bracket of the event: A
Name of the Event Manager: Daniel Jönsson
Name of the Head Official: Jeckyll Recksha
Location of the event: Stockholm, Sweden

Name of the hosting entity: LudoSport Sweden, Helsingborg School
Type of event: Rated Academy Tournament
Bracket of the event: B
Name of the Event Manager: Ida-Linn Engström Wannholm
Name of the Head Official: Luke Tull
Location of the event: Helsingborg, Sweden
Name of the hosting entity: LudoSport Sweden, Helsingborg School
Type of event: International Unrated Unofficial
Name of the Event Manager: George Johansson
Name of the Head Official: Henrik Ekman
Location of the event: Helsingborg, Sweden
Name of the hosting entity: LudoSport Sweden, Stockholm School
Type of event: Rated Academy Tournament
Bracket of the event: B
Name of the Event Manager: Henrik Ekman
Name of the Head Official: Eleanor Akselrad
Location of the event: Stpckholm, Sweden